“Right”, said Crisp


“Right”, said Crisp
by Crispin

(Composed when Crispin waited for his Guild badge)


“Right”, said Crisp, “Both of us together
one each end and chatting on the stream.”
Tried to say it, so that he would see it
We was getting nowhere…
And so, we, had a cuppa tea and

“Right”, said Crisp, “Give a shout for Faerie.”
Up comes Faerie on the thread below.
After streamin’, sighin’ and complainin’
we was getting nowhere…
And so, we, had a cuppa tea…

And Faerie had a think, and she thought we ought, to look at other angles
and the things wot caused the tangles.
But it did no good – well I never thought it would…

“All right”, said Crisp, “Have to show an ankle
to get that trouser up wouldn’t take a mo”.
Rolled it right up, even sent a selfie…
should have got us somewhere… but no….!
So Crisp said, “Let’s have another cuppa tea.”
and we said, “right-o”.

(music break)

“Alright”, said Crisp, “Have to take more action,
need more clout to shift the so-and-so.”
Had bad winges looking at the badges
and it got us nowhere
And so, we, had a cuppa tea and…

“Right”, said Crisp, “Have to take the Uke down,
that there Uke is gonna have to play.”
Took the Uke down, even with it playin’ sound,
we was getting nowhere…
And so, we, had a cuppa tea…

And Faerie had a think, and she said, “Look, Crisp
I’ve got, a sort of feelin’,
if we remove the dealin’…
With a poke or two we could jog the bugger’s show.”

“All right”, said Crisp, reachin’ out a finger,
with his hand palm gave a mighty blow.
Was he in trouble, laptop in a muddle, landed on the top of… his dome…
So, Faerie and me had another cuppa tea
and then we went home.

I said to Faerie, “We’ll just have to leave the badge lying there
in the nicknackatory – that’s all…
You see, the trouble with Crisp is, he’s too hasty.
You’ll never get nowhere if you’re too hasty.”

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